Twitter user highlights the difference between Super Eagles press conference in Rwanda and Uyo

An X user has reacted to the press conference of the Super Eagle team in Rwanda and the one that just happened in Uyo.

organization of the press conference, X User, Obiasogu David wrote:

Frame 1: Super Eagles Press Conference in Rwanda.

Frame 2: Press Super Eagles Press Conference in Uyo.

Check out the backdrop, the lighting, the tables, the height and type of chairs, the type of mics and their positioning, and the walls in both frames.
They point to one thing – Nigeria’s culture of “anyhowness.” It isn’t just about the NFF, it is a deep-rooted culture that is associated with our government agencies.

There is no drive for efficiency, good optics, value-adding aesthetics, or excellence. The individuals who run these agencies are only interested in minimizing projects apending to maximize the loot they’ll get from such project.
Their thinking is that the less they spend on projects allocated to them, the more they have available to loot. I would have called on the @thenffto outsource their Press Conferences to private sector brands, but I can’t forget they’re the actual culprits.

Twitter user highlights the difference between Super Eagles press conference in Rwanda and UyoTwitter user highlights the difference between Super Eagles press conference in Rwanda and Uyo

Twitter user highlights the difference between Super Eagles press conference in Rwanda and Uyo

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