Lady Dumps Her Boyfriend After Realising He Copied Val’s Day Message From Google

A beautiful love relationship is about to hit the rocks after the lady found out her guy copied the message he sent to her on Valentine’s from the internet.

Screenshots of a conversation between him and his lover have surfaced online and reveal that the girl decided to call it quits with him because of the Val’s Day message he sent to her.

What the lady couldn’t fathom was the fact he even copied the first message there for her. As usual social media users had their say and these were some of the comments that followed;

@OhmsKwabena replying to the post shared by @nutifafabekoe commented: By the time he go realise na he die finish

@KermworldMerm also teased with the words: That’s how much I love you baby LMAO

Valentine heartbreak. Edon happen ooooo Edon happen

@Opresii a man is down. I repeat a man is down. Soon the KalyJay association will welcome a new member.

#LoveInTheCity #BrunchintheCiti

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