Five Nigeria Churches You Must Avoid Going If You Don’t Want to End Up In Hell Fire

You might have had a very rough experience dealing with different sermons, teachings, revelations, prophecies and more this year from different places that you almost or have lost your root as a believer. There is good news for you, Just know that God loves you and never want you to die in ignorance, carelessness or end your life on earth in confusion.

It is very important that you know that there are Churches you shouldn’t have attended. The Holy Bible, in Revelation 2-3, gives us some clarity of church that might have lost their way. Even though, the Bible did mention some positive things that these same churches were doing. Which means they were not totally bad.

And kindly put it in mind that No Church is 100% perfect, all are run by humans like yourself and are bound to make mistake. But you must be wise and be aware that some of these Churches can lead you to hell if care is not taken. Below are some of the Churches you must avoid; TAP HERE TO CONTINUE READING

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