How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat Fast!
Belly fat not only give you an ugly look especially for ladies but can be dangerous for your health too.When i want to pick an outfit,i think of my belly fat first…this can be frustrating. I usually suck my tummy for hours in public, i went for a waist trainer but found it super uncomfortable too. I did some exercises but abandoned them because i noticed no reduction…i starved myself severally too until i discovered this a month ago and it works wonders. Here is the recipe:
1 lemon(unpeeled), 1 cucumber(unpeeled), 1tbs grated ginger, 1tbs aloe vera juice, 1/2 glass of water.
Direction: blend cucumber,aloe vera juice and lemon together add grated ginger and drink a glass before going to bed.
If you’re desperate like me, here is what i drink during the day…add chopped cucumber, grated ginger, lemon juice, into 2ltrs of water. This is what i drink through out the day, and take the blended one at nigh