12 Most Important SEO Features You Should Know

Whatever website you are having, you just have make sure that you maintain high quality articles, links and contents. If your website or blog quality is very bad, the Penguin, Panda, updates are ready to get you slammed down. So what do you have to do exactly ?

Your website should have the importance and optimization for steady traffic always. No matter whatever you are doing, you should make sure you follow few foremost factors in your website SEO. I have included all those important factors in no particular order. Check out all these 12 most essential SEO factors you have to take care of.

12 Most Important SEO Features:

1. Above fold ads:

If your website is showing too many adverts above the fold, then you are looking for trouble. Above the fold ads shows the page upper part where you are displaying more adverts than required. Which simply means, if you are putting too many ads in your website upper part, then you are screwed.

Just for instance, you see a lot of people that use two big ad blocks at the beginning of their article/post. This is not good at all for your website. Google can get your blog or website farmed immediately. You should make sure you avoid this bad exercise of earning quick revenue from your site visitors.

If you wish to show ads above the fold, you have to make sure you put more less ads blocks and more contents. You can get your ad blocks replaced with lesser or smaller ad units. Instead of 350 x 250 large rectangle ad block, you can use 250 x 250 small square ad block. I would suggest that you use only single ad above the fold. This is one of the 12 most important SEO factor you have to take care of.

2. Bad Sources of Traffic:

It is good to track your site traffic source. Check out where exactly your site traffic is coming from. You need to analyze the traffic source of your site and look for way you can improve on them. If your traffic is coming from a bad source, your website that is linking to it will be considered sooner as a spam.

Your site should not use spam traffic exercises to get targeted traffic. You can get this in many forums and or micro niche blogs. Though the content of your site is good, you shouldn’t get spam traffic from bad sources.

3. Spam Comment:

If your website is allowing too much spammy comments, then you are in soup. The problem is from both of you, those who comment will be slapped by Google, and you who accept it. These spam comments are very boring and annoying.

They all contain the same content with different products details. The comment spam is basically done with help of a spinner contents bots.

Make sure you avoid these spam comments. Even if you are using GASP or Akismet, yet people will try to spam your website. You have to take necessary precautions against these spammers. If you blog or website is doing great with enough traffic, then use a Twitter/Facebook login access to comment on your site or blog. This will avoid spammers, bots and other unwelcome comments.

Read also: Way to protect your social media accounts from hackers

4. Site Crawler Issues:

Make sure you check your website for regular crawl errors. If you have seen a lot of 500, 404 crawl errors in your site. This is due to improper link structure. If you have of recent migrated from blogger to WordPress, you might have changed your site redirection and link structure.

To avoid these errors you need to install necessary plugins. To know if there are crawl errors in your site always login to your Google Webmaster tools. If Google find so many 500 issues, its giving a hint to algorithm to get your site slaped.

5. Duplicate Titles/Meta Content:

Avoiding duplicate content is The most important factor for your website is avoiding duplicate content. When I say duplicate content, its not only about the content alone, I’m also even talking about the meta content and its title. You need to take care of this duplicate meta content and title with this issue.

Be sure to write original meta descriptions and titles. If you have multiple pages contain same title and meta tag, change them quickly. Google can consider this as a duplicate issues and you already know the rest.

Read also:Amazing secrets of successful bloggers

6. Tags Duplicate:

Tagging your content is a known method of showing your content in the search engines. Putting title tags, the author will visualize a list of tags in which people usually use to find your content. Make these tags limited.

Do not put too many tags to confuse search engines. This method is used to categorize the content properly. If you spam tags with so many tags, you will end up with numerous number of pages with ungrouped content. This issue is a serious one by Google web spam algorithms. Therefore its better you limit your tags to 0.6% or below in order to actual words in your site content.

It means, if your article is around 1000 words, do not use more than 5 different tags. Although this doesn’t indicate much impact in sending good traffic to your site, at least it will still stop you to be banned by Google.

7. Malware Issues:

If on the off chance Google find any malware in your blog or website, It will send to you a warning message firstly in Google Webmasters. Your message and notifications should be checking on a daily basis to know your site status.

Once it finds out the malware in your site you will be sent a warning message as the site owner. Respond to the message quickly and give them a proper reply.

You have to delete the malware effected files or pages from your site as soon as possible. Once your site is being red mark by google as a malware, your website is totally screwed. However you can still get your back site after recovery, even though its not guaranteed that your website will be recovered.

Avoid all these malware attacks simply by continuous error check and optimization methods. If you have any issues concerning a particular page, you can make use of the Fetch as Google bot feature of your Webmaster Tools. If your blog or site is effected frequently, you can then check for unauthorized usage and hacking attacks.

8. Over Interlinking:

Backlinking of your own pages is a very good way to increase page traffic and views. This does not mean you have to over inter link your articles. You will see some blog they never allow you to read the actual article or content in the page. They link too many pages not only in a page but also in a single paragraph.

If you are dividing your pages into so many links, you are just bothering the spiders as to crawl a particular page. You don’t have to link to 50 articles or contents in a 500 word article. People will be easily distracted from what they are reading (the actual post). Not good for SEO practices and even you.

9. Page Speed:

How would you feel if you found yourself in a slow loading site?. You would surely leave the site without it loading completely. Right? That is same way even others people will go out of your page or site if it loads slow. Your website speed score should not be less than 85% out of 100.

Though Google farming updates are not completely depend on page speed factors, its still your own duty to take good care of them. Google will send you a warning in your Google Analytics account, immediately it finds the high loading sites/pages.

10. Paid Links:

Don’t ever sell links from your site. Basically almost all the sites which pay for a back link are spam. These sites get 1000’s of links from different sources to have good page rank and domain authority.

If you are selling links from your site to these kind of spammy sites, your site or blog will be soon penalized. You can give a no-follow banner ads for sending traffic to their sites. But do not ever give a do-follow link for small amounts. This might affect your whole site most of the times.

11. Reciprocal Linking:

This is the old practice which is used by so many bloggers and webmasters to get back-links. normally these websites will link back to each other simply by putting some links in their blogrolls. Reciprocal linking will effect your blog or site rankings and lead to your site being penalized.

Avoid using this (blogrolls) to link back to bloggers or your friends. If you are to use a blogroll, make sure that you are not reciprocating those links. This will help your blog from getting banned by Google.

12. Webmaster Tools Trackback:

You have always keep your site analytics track. Check out what went wrong if your website traffic is suddenly drop. Google Webmaster Tools plays a crucial role in setting up a successful website from spam.

Google webmaster account will show all your sites base on their health. If any one of your site health is going down, make sure to look for the problem in it. All your sites should always have a flow of good SEO practices.

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