After protesting through out the day,The people of Otodo Gbame slept at the Governor’s office when he refused to address them and sneak out through the back door, the taskforce were POWERLESS to do anything at the time because of Media eyes watching and they not having the right to arrest since it wasn’t a violent protest. Later that night, when most where sleeping, Taskforce where sent to arrest them all, about two trucks confirmed where brought, It was chaos, Men were beaten and thrown into the van, Woman and Children suffered brutal handling from the Taskforce, the inhumane treatment to human beings who have rights, They (The Lagos State Government) couldn’t do anything to these people during the day because they didn’t want to tarnish their reputation, seeing public eyes (Different Media Houses) covering the protest, they planned for the night which they know everyone wasn’t watching, cowards! Later some people will praise The Governor, and screaming his name, but yet, don’t know what goes on at night.
God help the people of Otodo Gbame,all they ever wanted was their Land that was UNLAWFULLY demolished. They never attacked anybody, they sang and clapped in this peaceful protest, children laughing and jumping feeling happy.
But yet they’re treated as if they aren’t Human beings. Is Lagos for the rich only? Plans to make Lagos The Next Dubai at the expense of the urban poor, building a Lagos for The Rich,We farm for you, Fish for you,Protect you, Cloth you and you want us out?
Please share this, let the World know the kind of Government we have in Lagos’.