5 Tips To Negotiating A Better Salary And Landing A Great Job

This is one of the most tricky and most vulnerable positions for some because they want to get the best salary they can from their new recruiter and are careful not to get underpaid. If you are ignorant about the salary range expectation you will be doing yourself a disservice and your recruiter a favour if you accept a salary offer that is way below what you should have received.

Therefore, before you begin salary negotiations with your new recruiter, you need to find out how much the job is worth in comparison to other companies and how much the company pays employers on your level and position.

Here’s how to negotiate for a good pay:

Wait for an Offer

During the interview process don’t jump the gun and mention your salary expectation. It throws the employer off and it shows you off as someone who is after the money and not for the love of the job. Wait for when the recruiter/employers makes an offer.

Hold back long enough

The truth is that your recruiter/ employer to be doesn’t need your previous salary or current salary for this new role. There is already a stipulated salary range for someone of your qualification and expertise. So if asked, hold back by not saying your salary or your expectation but give a range with which they can work with. If they get persistent, tell them …” you will like to know more about the responsibilities and the challenges of the job prior to discussing salary”… then base a range not a figure surrounding that information.

Take Your Time

Don’t rush to accept an offer. The goal is to always sleep over an offer and make a decision. If the contract details doesn’t sit well with you, refuse it, not all jobs we get are meant for us. Sometimes, thinking over an offer can give you a better offer.

If the job offer is below your expectation say NO. It’s not by force. Refuse it. Most times you will get a call back on a salary revision. Don’t just say yes and swallow it.

Salary With Benefits

What are their benefits like? Are the benefits that follow the “take home pay” preferable for you. What is the pay after tax and other benefits that follow like bonuses, vacation.

Don’t Refuse a Job you need

Intuition is a winner all the time. Don’t refuse a job offer you have always wanted in an industry and company you admire. A lot of people have left better paying jobs to start off another job that paid less but was a CV booster to them and they went on to occupying better positions and earning more money. The goal is to look for a better position in than your previous place.

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